TTT – Petty Reasons I’ve DNF’d a Book

There are tons of reasons to not finish a book, so I’m excited about this week’s topic. Saying that, I could only come up with about seven. I can’t wait to read everyone’s petty reasons for DNFing books. I believe we are all entitled to our own opinions so you won’t get any judgement from me. Here’s my list –

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely Jana @thatartsyreadergirl.

  1. This one is specific to audiobooks – I don’t mean any disrespect but if I don’t like the narrator’s voice I can’t do it.
  2. Too slow – I understand if there’s some world building or whatever but if a book is taking forever to hook me or just get going in general – I’m out.
  3. Author is trying to hard – if I feel like the author is trying to hard like putting too many references to something else or trying to hard to make the reader laugh by adding something that doesn’t need to be there (example: a book about vamps and the author feels the need to reference Twilight for no reason other than its also a vampire book)
  4. Not getting to the point – I’m a little more generous with this one, but if I’m 50ish pages (give or take) and I have no idea what’s going on (in a confused way) I’m likely to put the book down. This one is also a little tricky though because sometimes not knowing can be fun but usually I can tell the difference or I’ll read further into the book to figure it out but if I’m still confused I’m gone.
  5. Not Entertaining – if a book is boring – bye
  6. Problematic characters – there a range of things that can make a character problematic but if that character is the MC or part of the main story and it doesn’t seem like they are going to have some kind of arc then I’m likely to stop reading the book.

What are some reasons you DNF books?

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